The Winter List is a historical thriller set in post-Restoration England, against a background of suspicion, mistrust and revenge. Charles II is on the throne and determined to take revenge upon those who signed his father’s death warrant: one by one they are arrested, imprisoned and killed. As the search for the regicides proceeds, there are some who take the opportunity for personal revenge.
I read this book on the recommendation of a friend and it’s one I’m unlikely yo have picked up for myself. More fool me. It’s a period of history I’m not familiar with and yet was immediately drawn in to the setting. From Samuel Pepys’ London the story moves swiftly to York where Lawrence Ingoldby lives with his wife and family, concealing his connection to one of the most wanted of Cromwell’s men.
As the Ingoldbys remain blissfully unaware of danger, Anne Winter and her maid Grizel are on a mission to find out whether Lawrence’s friend Thomas Fairly is a traitor to the King. Among the snickets of York Anne and Grizel are not the only hunters — and Fairly not the only one hunted.
Beautifully written, with its characters fabulously drawn, the book twists and turns like a serpent in its death throes, full of heart-in-mouth moments and, at the end, a deadly twist.
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